Gregor Eisenhorn is one of my favorite characters from Dan Abnett. I like his background and his comedown to a radical inquisitor. His personality shows a lot of strength an emotion but also a coldness and intransigence. This attribute i wanted to paint in this diorama.
Actually i didn´t want to paint it, but my local miniature dealer convinced me to buy it :D.
I hate having unpainted plastic, so it leaded to this Diorama.
I used an Airbrush and Brush and put a thick and rough painting on it.
Sergey Popovichenko
Gold!! Great lighting!Marius "Der Stone "Stein
Thanks for the nice words and voting!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Gold excellent ambient lightingMarius "Der Stone "Stein
I appreciate it!Lukas "Grummelgobbo" Lutz
Nice Lighting!Marius "Der Stone "Stein
Thank you Lukas!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
gold!Marius "Der Stone "Stein
Thank NakatanPhil aka Tuskar
Amazing atmosphere, this is really inspiring.Marius "Der Stone "Stein
Ohh thank you Phil. Really nice to hear that you like it. :)Lisa "Lizen" Schmidt
Nice Job on the model! Und wenn du der richtige Marius bist, viele Grüße von einer alten Klassenkameradin. ;)Marius "Der Stone "Stein
Hey Lisa, danke. Das ist ja cool dich über diese Plattform wieder zu treffen! Viele Grüße zurück!vincenzo gambinoPLUS
AmazingMarius "Der Stone "Stein
It's cool that you like it!