GT Studio Orc Warlord sculpt. Trying to step out of what Im comfortable with ie. sci-fi, smooth plates etc lol. Also tried some new base coating techniques and pushing different lights and ambience. Tried sticking him in a very specific environment. Hopefully it translates.
Overall, a lot of fun just doing something different and it definitely was a faster application overall. I don't think Ive ever finished a figure this quickly.
Any feedback to improve is welcome and desired. Thanks guys.
Thanks Bran, they were a lot of fun to work in. I was worried I didn’t put in a good balance on individual surfaces a well as the overall piece...still am lol.
Michael Proctor "Clever Crow"
Gold! Love this piece!Steve Garcia
Thanks Michael!Marco Ruano Miniature Painter
Magnífica, gold.Steve Garcia
Steve Garcia
Thank you sir :)Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Cool, fantastic job!Steve Garcia
Thanks Magnus, appreciate the support!Alex ✍
Congratulations! It looks fantastic ❤️Steve Garcia
Thank you!Bran
Very good painting, I love the hues used ....Steve Garcia
Thanks Bran, they were a lot of fun to work in. I was worried I didn’t put in a good balance on individual surfaces a well as the overall piece...still am lol.Perfect Tommy
This is another wonderful piece. I love the color scheme and overall aesthetic. Additionally the snow falls on the figure quite well!