Comic Style on a 3D Print, large scale miniature.

Sculpted by Miguel Hernandez Urbina.
  • Hansrainer Peitz

    Very bold, like it a lot. Something is off though, not sure if it’s the sculpt or the paintjob, but silver for the bold approach, would love to see more like this.
  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Excellent cartoonish style and technique, like a comic cover. Gold!
  • Jure Cukar

    Nice comic style. Agree with Peitz. I believe it is about sculpt. Back of the mini is taking focus away from the face looking from the front.
    • Marc Chee

      Honestly, I think my approach to it brought focus up to the back as well . . . I wouldn't just blame the sculpt, my lighting also draws attention away from the focal point of the face
  • Adam

    Looks even better irl, like he just stepped out of a comic. Smashing!