GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR bust 1/10. Produced by Nuts Planet. Sculpted by Jun-Sik Ahn. I used acrylic and tempera for painting.
Best regards from St.Petersburg ( Russia ),
Olga Zernina.
Would you mind if I used your putty paint bust of Julius Caesar on my Owens Valley History Sierra Place Names webpage ... with a proper credit?
Thanks for your consideration,
Ray DeLea
superb painting skills each differant material clearly identifiable , the laurals , and face are particularly noteworthy ,wish i could give more goldOlga Zernina
Thank you very much! :)eric wolfsPLUS
On le croirait vivant ! Or bien surOlga Zernina
Merci beaucoup! :)Bran
Beautiful painting as usual, Gold....what else?Olga Zernina
Thank you! :)Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Отлично!!!!!!!Olga Zernina
:) Спасибо!!!!! :)Clive Jackson
Fabulous work, Olga!…As always! Gold of course!Clive Jackson
We seem to have a similar choice in busts! I have this and Hannibal on my 'to do' list!!…your skill is breathtaking!Olga Zernina
Thank you very very much, Clive!!! :)Marc MussatPLUS
great painting Olga ! such delicate painting !Olga Zernina
Thank you very much, Marc! :)Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
голд цезарюHolger SchwarzPLUS
Das ist eine unglaublich schöne Bemalung ! Deine maltechnik ist zauberhaft Olga - ...Gold ist nicht genugrayd
Olga, Would you mind if I used your putty paint bust of Julius Caesar on my Owens Valley History Sierra Place Names webpage ... with a proper credit? Thanks for your consideration, Ray DeLea