Hi! I know holidays must be used to rest, but as i only have them to paint out of comissions...well, then i try things i usually don't have time enough.
Hope you like it, i tried a very focused light on the upper part and another kind of NMM, less obvious than i use to do.
  • Dani Darkmetal

    Estas obligandome a que me guste el histórico Arnau. Te odio
    • Arnau Lazaro

      Es que tienen cosas super chulas, hay unos templarios y unos caballeros por ahí que flipas
    • Dani Darkmetal

      Has visto las nuevas de Víctor Aguilar? Las que ha hecho para Semper Fidelis, son crema macho, muy apetecibles de pintar
  • NateZhang

    great job man,gold!
  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Fabuloso, qué dominio del color y la luz.
    • Arnau Lazaro

      Muchas gracias! Es lo que mas me preocupaba, darle un rollo interesante a la luz
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    a little beauty !
    • Arnau Lazaro

      Thank you very much Marc!
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

  • TroyHart

    Absolutely amazing work
  • Perfect Tommy

    That gold is unreal, so gold for you!
  • joseluiscabrera

    espectacular. ORO