One of if not the best -and most perfect and extrordinairily composes ,painted, thought of and damn near nothing short of perfection and Most wonderous type of things related to and Seemingly magical painting wizardry I’ve ever seen.
Roman -“YOU ROCK MATE!!!”
Crazy.... like it a lot !Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Thank you really much mate! Glad you like her!Richard SharpPLUS
Love it Roman. I’m thinking of doing mine soon for dogma48. Not sure I’ll do a superb job like this though!Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Thank you Richard! I didnt know you have one, looks like it's hard to get this model, at least that's what people say.Richard SharpPLUS
Personally signed by Nelya herself a while ago.Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Marvellous work!!! I think it's the best android I've ever seen :)Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Thank you for such a kind words Martin!Gabriele Leni
Awesome!!!Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Glad you like this project Gabriele! Thank you!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Coolest , best painted , disturbing thing I’ve ever seen in P&PSebastian Schubert
What a great idea, awesome workJohn Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
One of if not the best -and most perfect and extrordinairily composes ,painted, thought of and damn near nothing short of perfection and Most wonderous type of things related to and Seemingly magical painting wizardry I’ve ever seen. Roman -“YOU ROCK MATE!!!” BaMVladimir Sychev
Gold!Marco Ruano Miniature Painter
Wou, wou, wou, super gols.Clive Jackson
Nice take on this great figure! Gold!Winterland