The original design and sculpt is mine (the abyssal warlord bust i did for scale75 a few years ago), the same day that scale75 released the figure i was contacted by a friend who asked me to do another version for him. I told him that I would love to customize it to make my original idea of the abyssal warlord bust. 2 years in my studio, with many attempts to finish it. i brought it monte san savino 2 years ago but i was not completely satisfied with the paint and the first version of him, had a really bad hand that was bothering me during the show.. i was so obsessed with the figure ythat i brought it back to my studio and i started to fix all the painting and sculpting problems.. i finished it for my upcoming book during 2018 and this is the final version.

thanks to E. for his patience and support. I hope you feel happy with the fig

I consider this a scratch model, as the transformation is huge. About 30 cmts tall.

"Give me your life or your soul, but there are no disappointments for the god who watches you. I am the prince of temptation and the slave of your desires if you please me, you will love the colourful life until your time expires. But if you dissobey me, I will be the deathbringer, the corruptor of dreams, the collector of essences and beings. Give me your soul or Die."

He represents several people I have meet in my life. Cheers

Personal Collector.
  • Ivan Hortal A.PLUS

    Puro espectaculo. Un trabajo de ese tamaño...y a ese es algo comun...tiene una cantidad de detalles que acojona solo el pensar como has abordado el proyecto desde el principio...enhorabuena . el restultado es increible y enhorabuena por terminarlo al fin!!
  • Jero Miniatures

    Bestial. No me canso de ver detalles alucinantes. Bravo Alfon. Una maravilla.
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    One of the most impressive busts I have seen in the last couple of years. I know it took you some time to be fully happy with it, but I can tell every second was worth it. It somehow represents almost all things you are able to paint, shown on a high end level in every corner. Amazing work. Editors choice from my side.
    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      thanks roman. your opinion means a lot to me. :). its been a loong and sometimes desperating work.
  • Riccardo "RA" AgostiniPLUS

    Amazing. And in person was even more impressive!
  • Mally Anderson

    A true masterpiece my friend. An inspiration to us all on decdication
  • Ivan_Cavero aka Iván C Pintor de Miniaturas

    Bravoooooo Dr!!!! Como siempre obra de referencia!!!!
  • Daniel Lopez- Bustos (FeRRaMiS)

    Me flipa, las texturas son buenisimas. Ademas es muy grande y eso siempre es una dificultad. Queremos mas cosas de estas!!
  • Richard SharpPLUS

    Gooooooooold! I loved seeing this at SMC and Monte. I could have looked at it for hours (if I wasn’t jostled out of the way all the time haha)
  • Aythami Alonso Torrent

    Buenísima! me encantan los materiales que has representado aqui. Vaya currazo
  • Cold one

    I put the bronze, because I think that this bust of war of chaos is in itself an ugly one. If it is partially beautifully painted, and the banner, for example, is very simple, then the work does not look complete. With all due respect to the master, I know for sure that he knows how to perfectly paint figures and busts.
    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      I encourage you to paint these textures of the banner in a miniature,; maybe you'll change your opinion about how simple it its. but everyone has his own taste. i am glad that it looks ugly, thats what i wanted to design. thanks for the comment sir!.
  • Herman aka Glitterwolf

  • Martin Collier

    Amazing mate
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    G o l d
  • Daniele "Found" Trovato

    I saw him on Monte. It’s an incredible piece. Compliments Alfonso.
  • Olmo Castrillo

    He ido viendo planos detalle buenísimos en varias publicaciones. El resultado global es un espectáculo. Bravo!
    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      muchas gracias olmer. es una pieza dificil de analizar con una sola presentacion pro eso voy lanzando zooms. lleva demasiado trabajo. :) me alegra mucho q la valores!
  • Alex ✍

    A masterpiece! Thank you for the inspiration! Best, Alex
  • Sebastian Schubert

    I love the red, great how you manage the shadows. The skin from both heads looks awesome. Gold from me
  • Patrik HurtigPLUS

    This is just pure perfection for me!
  • Bran

    Por mucho tiempo me encanta tu forma de pintar, tu estilo. Eres una referencia, una locomotora, una persona que abre un nuevo camino en el enfoque de la pintura. Estoy muy feliz de tener la oportunidad de ponerte una nota de oro.
    • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

      muchisimas gracias. la locomotora va cada vez mas lento pero aun asi se sigue intentando. :) jajaja.
  • Jonatan Gil - Elinhir

    Pude verla en vivo y la verdad que el tamaño es muy grande para lo que acostumbramos a pintar. Llena de detalles, texturas tanto en ropa como detalles en la piel, el metal, etc... Con la transformación que hiciste convertiste una obra mas en una obra única. Excelente trabajo...
  • "SCV Park" Yeong Min

    Unbelievable ~ Gold~!