I am very happy to announce that I've finished painting another female half figure for my 'Fictional Universe' range. Its size is same to the former one 'MIRAI'
It depicts a female survivor of post-apocalyptic world
I sculpted it using Zbrush and painted it using Josonja's acrylics.
This figure is now available from
Vladimir Sychev
Gold! And sculpture, and painting.Jason Zhou
Fantastic work on both sculpting and painting. Gold for sure!StephanPLUS
Stunning, awesomeOliver "HonourGuard" SpäthPLUS
Really outstanding!! From sculpting to painting. Love it ;)Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Great work!!!!!!!!!!Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Cool work!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Gold gilded gilt!!!!Laurent Aubry aka Pisco
I neef it ! I love your way of painting skins !!Herman aka Glitterwolf
Awesome!Herman aka Glitterwolf
It’s nice to see a more realistic female figure for a change.