Produced by Figone


An old work in 2017. The skin tone took me a lot time to deal with.

Hope you like it. You can find me the same name on Facebook.
  • Fenbeiduo

    Very impressive color variation Gold
    • LaoZedong

      Thank you Fenbeiduo, I've spent much time on the muscle.
  • Sergey Popovichenko

    • LaoZedong

      Thank you Sergey!
  • Kara Nash

    Adore all those colours in the skin. Will have to attempt my own Frazetta stylings.
    • LaoZedong

      Look forward to seeing your version my friend!
  • Nik Ableev

    Wow! Gold!
    • LaoZedong

      Thank you Nik!
  • Carlo

    another amazing work, gold of course
    • LaoZedong

      Thank you Carlo!