Reliable Alliance
This scene, Reliable Alliance, I modulated years ago and is another attempt to copy a picture of Robert Griffing. What appealed to me is how Robert Griffing, in this picture, very expressive, has portrayed the understanding between an Indian and a Highlander. I hope you like this scene
  • Clive Jackson

    Nice story going on here! Works well! And nicely done!
  • Francesco ThauPLUS

  • pit rehmkePLUS

    Hello Clive, Thank you for your appreciation and I am glad that you like it.
  • pit rehmkePLUS

    Hello Francesco, Thanks a lot!
  • Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)

    Absolutely lovely piece Peter, I like it a lot. Great work on the kilt and socks!
  • pit rehmkePLUS

    Hello Martin, Many Thanks! I was happy.
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    Great vignette !
  • pit rehmkePLUS

    Hello Marc, I thank you for your recognition
  • Entrevon

    Je découvre ton travail, beaucoup de très belles figurines et scénettes comme celle-ci. original et plein de vie : Gold !
  • pit rehmkePLUS

    Bonjour Bernard, Merci d'aimer ce travail. J'ai modulé ce diorama d'après une photo de Robert Griffin et il y a beaucoup de cœur et d'âme dans ce travail. Robert Griffin a peint de magnifiques tableaux d'Indiens, cela vaut la peine de les regarder.