My latest project of Napoleon as First Consul by Atelier Market and sculpted by Antonio Zapatero and Stefano Cossu.
This is based on the painting by Antoine-Jean Gros. The tablecloth, documents and quill pens are scratch. The brass vase is made using Historex parts and putty.
  • Cormin

    Very nice painting job. I like your precise work . Gold :)
  • NateZhang

    nice job
  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Great work, you have taken the most from this figure, to make it better. Very fine red and gold tones.
    • Rod CurtisPLUS

      Thanks Eduardo!! I really appreciate it,

    Really nice, Rod! You nailed the dark blue on that cloth! I spotted this figure for sale on one of the vendor tables (maybe red lancers?) at World Expo. When I came back later to buy it, it was gone. Maybe this is the one?? LOL. I love what you've done with it and the setting you've provided. Jason
    • Rod CurtisPLUS

      Thanks Jason!! The figure had been around for a couple of years, so that’s probably the one. Very nice sculpt.
  • smallsoldier (Scott Pasishnek)

    Love your attention to detail, like all the lace. Love the hand painted scroll as well. Gold from me.
  • Francesco ThauPLUS

  • Mike Blank

    Really like this figure Rod, nice red and white trousers in a cold white tone. Gold!