Hey guys!

Based on the https://scontent.fwaw3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15977610_1643920812568310_8328694383530654807_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&_nc_eui2=AeHxqfFPFY2TBplWPk8y1l3WXzMPhtWe4ee_9ENpP-86L_musrJIAODhu81C7FFTB00fjVh9PeE5sdwKpkWCdQUTtoPgyJgxr0BX-IuALkXLoA&oh=618910e5586991e9f5bdd75c0b647480&oe=5BB035F0concept which I drow more than a year ago. The idea was to make an ogre in oldschool style.
This is the first time I actually used a real chain in miniature. It was a nightmare, I need to practice more on this ;).

Fimo mixed with SuperSculpey + GS