Hi !<br />
It's not an orc, it's not a girl with big boobs, it's not a super hero !<br /><br />
It was a real person (who has existed in the real life) !
His name is Álvaro de Bazán ! Yes ! you are not dreaming ! Álvaro de Bazán himself !<br />
If you want to know who he was and what he did, google is your friend.<br /><br />
There is a statue of him in a lovely place in Madrid <br />
The very talented Antonio Zapatero made a figure of the statue (much simpler to paint than the statue itself)
I bought it in the Leganés show in march.
I didn't paint it with non metallic technics, I didn't paint it with complicated OSL.<br /><br />
I painted it with a brush, with acrylics, with coffe and music and it was a very cool time.<br /><br />
Muchas gracias por esa figura que se puede comprar en el sitio web de la asociacion Alabarda<br />
<br />
... and as I know Álvaro de Bazán didn't kill any orcs during is military carreer ...
(well ... for this specific point I have to check more seriously ...)
Que buena obra,oro para ti.Laurent Aubry aka Pisco
Muchas gracias Alicia !!! Que bien que te guste, don Álvaro ! La figura es genial ! te la aconsejo !Cormin
Very nice figure and paint job. And your comment is really cool :)Laurent Aubry aka Pisco
hi Cormin, thanks a lot, This miniature was very cool to paint. Changing my way of painting . Thanks ;)Marc MussatPLUS
une bien belle figurine ! les métaux ressortent bien ! or !Laurent Aubry aka Pisco
Une superbe fig de Alabarda d'après la statue d'Alvaro à Madrid. Merci !!! Je te conseille cette pièceMariano del Olmo
Great face and expression!