As I grew up I stopped going there and in time forgot how to get there. I even forgot about that place entirely for years and years...
Now in my own autumn, I remember again.
As time goes by, I long more and more for that place of magic, light and lost love.
I have searched for the way back to that place countless times now, yet it keeps eluding me...
I have a feeling that, on my last day, that strange ancient creature will find me and take me back to that place of light, magic and love once again.
And I find peace and comfort in that thought.
John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
This is absolutely fantastik ...pure fantasy and nostalgias!!! GoldKristian Simonsen
Thank you so much John!Florian 'Butch'
This was one of the pieces that I remember well from the Duke Of Bavarian. I love the green hood! Nice coincidence I met you and Jacob (two painters I rembered their vignettes well) on sunday afternoon.Kristian Simonsen
Thank you. It means a lot to me, that you remember my pieces.Marco Ruano Miniature Painter
Supeeeer verdee., Buen trabajo oro para ti.Kristian Simonsen
Muchas gracias mi amigo!Anastasios Kandris
I much like your painting but i equal fascinated by your little sweet story! <3Kristian Simonsen
Thank you so much.Jesús Gómez
Great work, green is fashionable XDKristian Simonsen
Thank you! Green is the new black!Theodoros Giannakopoulos
I really like it ! Gold.Kristian Simonsen
Thank you so much!