This vehicle is inspired by an anonymous photograph of a KV tank that you can see at the end. There are no emblems or numbers of military units in the photograph, so I assumed that it was a freshly delivered vehicle with its corresponding rookie crew, although I may be mistaken.
Even so, it seems that it was difficult to eliminate it because it can be seen several calibres in its structure. Only the 88 caliber could penetrate it.
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    hi! I understand that you did not like my "Rocroi" vignette at all. But what I do not understand is how you can give a "PROPS" to a project wich has over 95% (that meansthat almost all the voters votd gold ...) and won a gold medal at the latest Paris Sèvres show. If you do not like the subject, then you do not vote ! plesae respect my work. this is very upsetting. Marc
    • Sergey Popovichenko

      Amazingly Mark, He never answers what we wrote to him.
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    thanks a lot for you bronze vote ... LOL of course flagged as inappropriate... this fig got gold medal at the last Paris Show (31/2 months work !)
    • Sergey Popovichenko

      Again there are people who for some reason are felling our work?
  • Sergey Popovichenko

    Do you understand that “PROPS” this is worse than bronze? do you really think that my work deserves the lowest rating ??? Do not be so, it is visible to all who you spoil the rating !!!!! Does that make you feel ashamed? It will not raise your level, your rating ... please, if you do not like it, pass by, dear friend.
  • Sergey Popovichenko

    Ricky !!! Come past my work !!!!! No need to put bronze !!! You are jealous??? Are you angry ???
  • Sergey Popovichenko

    Gold for You!!!!!!
  • Bran

    Merci pour le bronze sur mon travail, je vois que c'est une habitude...
  • Sergey Popovichenko

    You already got me !!!! Again bronze !!!! Please stop demonstrating your curl, anger, wretchedness, or some other feeling that you are overwhelmed with. Do you consider yourself a great connoisseur ???? Do you understand the mural ???? How do you rate YOUR work ???? YOU ARE WELCOME!!!! PASS BY MY WORKS IF THEY DO NOT LIKE YOU !!!!
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Everybody seems to be having a problem with thid induvidual He’s done it to me. as well. Attn:Phil you need to do somthing Bout this. Especially when the list of complaints is long.
    • Sergey Popovichenko

      Yes. Very often puts bronze or silver at best. A man with probably the most developed taste for painting ))))). 50 people put gold, one Ricky pounds bronze or silver.
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Please, stop to vote bronze for all my pieces!!!
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Please, stop to vote bronze for all my pieces!!!
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    I really think that all your votes should be deleted from this site
  • Jay Martin (Redrum)

    Hahahaha thanks for the Bronze vote! Ya sniper hahaha fo us in your own work mate!
    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Riki struck again, for the third time with my pieces. Always bronze to drop the average. Too bad is painting is not up to his votes. Gentlemen editors, please do something, fire us this killer of this site where he obviously has nothing to do.
  • Riki

    Wow, I didn't know that you had to vote gold for everyone, I didn't read that anywhere.... Anyway I have to congratulate you, thanks to your selfish comments I haven't voted for a long time (the administrator called my attention). I'm sure you all will have a great future with your jobs, that's the attitude, win at all costs and stone anyone you don't like. A silver or bronze medal is quite an enviable prize in any competition, it's a recognition of a job well done. If they only want their friends and family to vote they can create an event of their own and put in the rules that voting is forbidden sincerely. I thought this was a place to keep works for life and I only see some adults behaving like children. And by the way, nobody criticizes my works, they don't tell me their opinion, they just complain about my votes. It seems to me that I won't learn anything here. See if I care about medals, I haven't read comments for several years.