10 cm tall,it's a mix of fimo and beesputty
if you're interested in my works you can check my FB page on https://www.facebook.com/samratsskillsinscales76/
  • Luc "Thantor" Pinganaud

    Excellent, j'adore sa dentition! ^^
    • Sam Rats

      Merci,(venant de toi c'est un beau compliment j'aime beaucoup ton style de sculpture ),ça m'est venu vers la fin,il manquait un truc! ;)
  • Sergey Popovichenko

    I really liked your work! EXCELLENT SCULPTURE!
    • Sam Rats

      Thanks a lot Sergey!
  • Erich_Strasser

    Great sculpting, great bust
    • Sam Rats

      Thank you Erich!