with a drought comes bad harvest,hunger and murrain.<br />
And then each tribe can only rely on its shaman. <br /><br />
Shaman chooses a victim among the inhabitants and<br />
begin their dark ritual to appease the gods.<br />
<br />
Really cool and detailed miniature from Mindwork games, was a joy to paint it.<br />
Hope you like it.
Stanislav Kurylenko
Первый!) Классная фигурка, и роспись ей под стать! Очень атмосферно!Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Спасибо большое Стас! :-) Очень рад слышать, что тебе нравится работа!Lucky-LBT
Wahooo, wonderfull color contrastsRoman "Light_one" Gruba
Many thanks my friend! I really want to paint osl with some new color :-) Gald you like it mate!Oleg Burdykin
Хм, чувак выглядит скорее так, что вместо урожая наколдует армию мертвецов:) Очень классно и зловеще)Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Спасибо! Ну он же человеческую жертву злому богу приносит. Хотя кого я обманываю, армия мертвецов тоже неплохо :-)Luc "Thantor" Pinganaud
Wonderful job, amazing atmosphere (as usual!)Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Thank you Luc, I'm trying to make it works with some new colors (new to my palette)!Theren "Canny" Williams
beautiful and also a bit scary. great aura.Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Thank you for your kind words Theren!Matthieu Roueche - "Blabla"
Original way to pain this mini...great atmosphere! ;)pit rehmkePLUS
Your explanation of the role of the shamans I found very interesting, but actually in our time has not changed much, there are only other heads who do it deputy. Your work shows the color very well, with which external representation the shamans have impressed. Mysterious and non-transparent. A very subtle beautiful work! Gold!