I painted this Hsien for Crystal Brush 2017. I love the sculpts Corvus Belli produces for their Infinity line, they are always a joy to paint and I dig all things sci-fi...so that helps to. I haven't wanted to convert any of minis so far, this guys straight from the blister and painted to match my other infinity gaming models. The koi and water are my first time messing around any kind of water effect. I wanted to try and balance the futuristic fig with a more natural, simple background to mirror that traditional/contemporary style seen in a lot of Asian design.
Hope you like it...as always comments and critiques are welcome, anything to improve!
Crystal Brush 2017 Bronze - Single Sci-fI
Corvus Belli War Crow 2017 - Best In Show & Gold - Single
Ace figure and base. Usually I do not like a gaming base that is included, but when it is done so good I am all convinced! Great model. Congratulations!
Really great work, love the different colors of the figure :) Very smooth too. And the base has a very unique touch too..Gold and congrats for the medals at the competition! ;)
Really like the fabricsSteve Garcia
Thanks! I was most worried about them when I finished, glad they are well received :)Leonardo "LeoPelo" Archini
Impressive cloack and texture! GoldSteve Garcia
Thank you sirArtem Romanov
Very nice NMM and fabrics!Steve Garcia
Thanks ! Much appreciated. Anything you'd recommend for improvements on the next project?Roman LappatPLUS
Ace figure and base. Usually I do not like a gaming base that is included, but when it is done so good I am all convinced! Great model. Congratulations!Steve Garcia
Thanks! I'm trying to get away from integrating a gaming base lol.Oliver "HonourGuard" SpäthPLUS
Really great work, love the different colors of the figure :) Very smooth too. And the base has a very unique touch too..Gold and congrats for the medals at the competition! ;)Bran
Superb !fabrizio1969PLUS