So 5 long years.
Well a lot of memories about my stories coming out from my mind during the work on this figure. I painted a lot of fantastic sculptures, mostly in big scale during the last years, so it it refreshing and interesting to see what's happen if i return on the "small" funny warhammer figures.
The most important thing for me was to try painting him with my actual apporach. This figure means a lot for me in terms of interpretation, i wanted to be espressive and experiment with textures and colors contrast. In particular in this figure i study a lot about color balance between the powerful super yellow golden armor and the general "full range" got purples of the rest of the figure, that basically move from the blue (but a little bit violet one) to the red (but more on the magenta purple side). So the whole figure is about play with complementary and contrast of dark and light parts.
Adding the snow was for me best choice cause the white spot change the range of exposure of the figure, the presence of a real white turn everything more dark even if the armor is strong yellow gold.
well i speak too much ahahaha
I hope you like it!
I loved painting hime, thank you very much Francesco to gave me this opportunity.
RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo
Really wow superchicken! Fanculazzi ora ho voglia di dipingere un piccione gw pure io!!!dissident lorn
beautiful use of colour mate!Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Great work Francesco! Cool chicken! :-)Albert Moreto Font
Good job Francesco! Good to see you pick up GW figs again! :)Paolo-Di-Poce
bel gioco di blu e viola. VotatoSergio Calvo Rubio
niceeee!!! Great painting!!!!