A super fun little (this guy is tiny!) project that I managed to finish a couple weeks ago, just in time for Golden Demon!

I love the sculpt, he's a really characterful little dude that I've been wanting to paint ever since he was released.
The only thing I decided to change/convert was the ball (I really wanted to have one with some spikes - so I chopped off the original ball and made a new one out of greenstuff and bits of resin)

Heavily inspired by the Greenfield Grasshuggers team colors I wanted to try a slightly more toned down "realistic look" exchanging the yellow for bone and the red gloves for black ones.

Since Halflings in Blood Bowl are meant to have a special connection with nature, and the daisy features as a common motif in many of the teams, I decided to add a flower to the base to help break up the green grass a bit. It also kind of mirrors the innocence of this little guy who no doubt is about to get trampled to death by a black orc or something...

Thanks for checking him out!
  • Albert Moreto Font

    Gold, of course!
  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    beautiful, gold
  • Pablo López - paloji

    so beautiful model! great paintjob, I love it!
  • Julien "Asavar" M.

    This is gorgeous!
  • Max Faleij

    thanks guys!
  • Chris Donnelly

    The static grass looks really good. Well done.
  • Max Herngren

    So beautiful! I really love the contrast between the greenery and the sleek black plinth. Do you make your own plinths or get them from somewhere?