Hi everyone! I’d like to show you the first part of photos of my new big project - diorama with space wolves. While creating the base I used some elements from the set with a wolf primarch but most of it was created by me. I used PVC as the main material as well as Milliput, Greenstuf and textured pastes by Vallejo. To customize the dreadnought I added a few "wolf" elements and sculpted the fur on his shoulder. I sculpted something so volumetric for the first time and I hope it worked out well. In total the work took about 2 months, I hope you'll like it)
Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"
awesome work!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Gold from me!!!! Without a doubt !!!Anton Lunev
Wonderful scene!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
ГолдPatrik HurtigPLUS