Rogues de Poix - Chambellan du Duc de Bourgogne - died at Azincourt 1415
Rogues de Poix - Chambellan du Duc de Bourgogne - died at Azincourt 1415
Rogues de Poix - Chambellan du Duc de Bourgogne - died at Azincourt 1415
Rogues de Poix - Chambellan du Duc de Bourgogne - died at Azincourt 1415
Rogues de Poix - Chambellan du Duc de Bourgogne - died at Azincourt 1415
Rogues de Poix - Chambellan du Duc de Bourgogne - died at Azincourt 1415
Rogues de Poix - Chambellan du Duc de Bourgogne - died at Azincourt 1415
Rogues de Poix - Chambellan du Duc de Bourgogne - died at Azincourt 1415
based on a 75 mm pegaso figure with some modifications (flag , shield , bust ...)
oil painted
the photos are untouched.
  • Jose_A_Alfonso

    awesome work for this scale!
    • Marc MussatPLUS

      thanks Jose ! i admit it took me while to finish it !
  • Nick M

    Stunning detail! Very beautiful work
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    One of the best painted mounted knight models I've ever seen. Intracate but readable !!! Excellent skills with the brush and the freehand is just knocked out of the ballpark!!!gold
    • Marc MussatPLUS

      thanks John ! I appreciate your kind comments !
  • Richard SharpPLUS

    Seeing this in the 'flesh' at AFM Montrouge was an amazing experience. Wonderful work Marc.
    • Marc MussatPLUS

      thanks Richard ! did not know you were on P and P ! always better to see the actual fig in real ! cheers !
  • pit rehmkePLUS

    I saw this work in Eindhoven at the SMC and was amazed. A fantastic work, it's all excellent, light-shadow effects, color composition, fabric patterns and then the lilies an extract like the other. Big cinema! Gold!!!
    • Marc MussatPLUS

      thanks a lot ! glad you liked it
  • Francesco ThauPLUS

    • Marc MussatPLUS

      Thanks! Made gold at Sèvres this yeat
  • Antonio-Mayoralas

    Fantastic work. Very nice...You work very good the oils... Very clean, and good balance between shadows and lights that provide the right volume to the figure. Wich type of paint do you use for the metals?
    • Marc MussatPLUS

      thanks ! very colourful heraldry ... I wrote an article on this knight in the french "Figurine" magazine explaining that in this particular case, I used the old technique consisting of extremly highly polishing the metal, gradually ending with metal wool (00000 ) before having a great shine with a chrome instrument which is gently rubbed. then using different shades of oil paint to underline shadows, and adding very small quantities of pure printers ink for the strongest highlights. some people give a colored varnish finish, which personnaly I did not do . I like the result as it looks very authentic.
  • Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)

    Outrageously good! Very inspiring piece of work!
    • Marc MussatPLUS

      hi Martin glad it pleases you thanks a lot for all your support on my figs ! I greatly appreciate !
  • luigigraffi

    Amazing and superb this is my favorite of your works!!!
    • Marc MussatPLUS

      thanks ! glad you like this one ! :)
  • Bran

    Toujours cette précision incroyable d'un niveau d'un Guy Bibeyran au meilleur de sa forme....
    • Marc MussatPLUS

      merci me comparer à mon ami et maitre Guy ! il m'a bcp inspiré dans bien des domaines !
  • Capoch

    One of my favorite paint jobs ever! Congrats!
  • Pierre Balmette

    Quel niveau je suis sans voix, c'est magnifique!
    • Marc MussatPLUS

      merci ! c'est sympa ! une pièce avec une héraldique pas si simple ...
  • Evgeny Golubev

    Magnifique travail, avec plaisir examiné! Or