Her is my latest project, gimme shelter miniature from blacksun miniature. A little post apo family.
The idea beyond the fact I love those minis, was I wanted to make something special... each mini is on its own base, but all bases can be combined to create a larger scenery
and it's magnetized ;) so you can separate each one to look at it individually, and then plug them all together again ;)
I hope you will like them !
Luc "Thantor" Pinganaud
C'est beau (mais je ne suis pas objectif!)^^.François Lozach
si si ;) merci pour cette sculpture extra ;)Aleksandra Cvetanovski
So glad to see this project of yours finished. Cool idea and great work :)François Lozach
Thanks a lot;) I took real pleasure to work on it...Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Nice idea with cubes!François Lozach
thanks, more than glad you like it !Carlo
this is another well deserved goldMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"