This is a resin 28mm figure by Forge World I finished during 2016. Everything was painted in acrylics and inks, pigments were used to dirty the figure up, and mixed into Magic Sculp to build the groundwork. It's also the first figure I tried some OSL on. I wanted it to look as if the filt coming out of the broken tube is kind of a toxic waste with a greenish glow. It's far from being good, but for a first time it will have to do. I'm curious to hear what you think of it, and all tips on how I can improve are more than welcome.
Looks great!gino2dope poppe
Much appreciated Jose.Luc "Windtalker" Vanpoucke
Great work Gino !gino2dope poppe
Dank u Luc. Hoe gaat het er nog mee?Paolo-Di-Poce
Nice limited palette. Good workJonatan Gil - Elinhir
Very good !! GoldJohn Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Gold I love this Gino !!! One of my favs from you sir.Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"