What can I say, painting of the clothing is upercool, but the hair...
I mean all this freehands looks outstanding , but when you see a whole bust with a hair...
Anyway gold for a kimomono, but it's really sad that now every part of this bust looks so amazing.
Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"
I am a big fan of Your freehands on models. Very good bust:) Best regards, SławolMax RichieroPLUS
Wow! Gold!Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Wow, beautiful as always! Gold, what else?!Sergey Savenkov
Шёлк шикарный! Золото!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Sensational you are a gold medalMatt DiPietro
I absolutely love your samurais. Beautiful!Derek Clark (fluid_art)PLUS
Absolutely beautiful, gold!Mike HoekstraPLUS
Stunning freehand work on the kimono.Richard SharpPLUS
Simply stunning work.Paolo-Di-Poce
Really impressive work on the clothEnrico Collenzini
Very beautiful. Gold!Mij Deral
Fantastic, gold!Roman "Light_one" Gruba
What can I say, painting of the clothing is upercool, but the hair... I mean all this freehands looks outstanding , but when you see a whole bust with a hair... Anyway gold for a kimomono, but it's really sad that now every part of this bust looks so amazing.Lucky-LBT
Same as i thoughtDirk R.
Fantastic painting ! Especially the clothing is "WOW" !!! GOLD !Olga Zernina
Thank you all very much!!!pit rehmkePLUS
Fantastic! That it is possible to paint on this scale such detail I would never have thought. Super Gold !!!Michael Jänicke
Phantastic. i love your art.Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
the clothing is amazingly beautifulKen "Macca Chung" Lim
That freehand is outstanding.Thomas "1967er" Froese
Magnificent free-hand on the kimono and very realistic skin. But he hair is not on the same level...Anson
Amazing work!! Gold!!Robert Karlsson
Great face and freehand but to be honest, the hair is no way near the rest in standard!Luc "Windtalker" Vanpoucke
Fantastick painting, a beautyAndy Gillaspy
Stunning freehand and excellent skin. The hair though is not to the same superb standard.John 'Painterman' van Pelt
Fantastic!!!Martin Lavat
The freehand is insane, as always!Clive Jackson
Wow! Just wow! All the versions of this are just amazing!