I want to show you my latest work. My version of the very limited model from Terrible-Kids-Stuff. I already missed some nice models of their range, but this time I was fast enough. I planned to finish this project in my Christmas/New Years holiday, in two weeks. But I realised that this was a bit crazy, the time window was a too small, so I took my time to finish it. I worked for 5 weeks on it, nearly every day.
I had some ups and downs in the end stage, I wasn't happy with some areas (especially skin on horse and body), but I invested more painting sessions and think I could make the best of it. At least I hope that
I recognized again, that I have to work on my airbrush skills, I think that could be a big advantage in some steps. But its really hard to learn some techniques alone, I hope I find a trainer for that soon. This time a bit more infos about the story behind this project, I posted the complete development from the beginning to end on my facebook page.
I enjoyed the basing process the most, I hope you're not sick of forests and meadows bases in the near future I added two base detail pictures in the end of this gallery.
Thanks for votes or comments
Best regards Oli
Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Nice!Yi Seo-woo
Everything is perfect gold!Derek Clark (fluid_art)PLUS
This is absolutely incredible, gold!Vladimir_Golubev
Good!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
nothing less than goldMartin Lavat
Wow! The base is so realistic, never seen a such beautiful river, the stones are incredible, and the paint.... just Perfect! GoldOliver "HonourGuard" SpäthPLUS
Thanks a lot Martin, I enjoy basing the most :)Karsten -Elaphus- Poepping
Great work !!!Lucky-LBT
In my opinion the best horse skin/fur that i have ever seen. And your bases... outstanding... one better than the other.Trent "BigDeno" Denison
Your basing is such a trademark of your work and it is so inspirational. Astonishing work!Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Cool work , I really love your bases my friend. I really like horse part and armor. Only thing that looks strange for me is a difference between left and right part of a torso, "separated" by the leather belt. Other parts of this projects looks really greatOliver "HonourGuard" SpäthPLUS
Thanks for your nice comment Roman :) You have good eyes, that's the area which drove me crazy. The left area lies more in the shadow and the main light source was painted cenital from the front of the base and side of the figure. That’s why the left area looks lot darker. Somehow it doesn’t work like I wanted it, but I still didn’t find out how to fix it and I have spent really lot time on the skin. So I came to an point, where I had to come to an end of this work.Oliver "HonourGuard" SpäthPLUS
Thanks for all your nice replies on this project! :)Roman LappatPLUS
Absolutely lovely base! The miniature seems irrelevant there, still he is really lovely painted. This base could be used for every other miniature and it would not change the beauty of it. Wonderful!pit rehmkePLUS
Fantastically designed substructure, excellent paint goldAntonio Pirri
you've done a beautiful job! Gold!!TOM Gagel
Great paintjob, fantastic baseJose_A_Alfonso
Great!Alfonso Sanchez
Fantastic, Gold