I started this in November then I attended a workshop by Jesus Martin from Nocturna models. He brought this bust for us to paint on, it will be released during February or March if I have understood it correctly. I have enjoy painting this one a lot and happy with the result.
Roman LappatPLUS
Cool work!John_Engstrand
Thanks Roman, yours and Jesus courses have really helped me in progressing with my art and enjoyment of it.Andy Gillaspy
Great work John one of your best mate.John_Engstrand
Thanks Andy :)Derek Clark (fluid_art)PLUS
Excellent work, gold!John_Engstrand
Thanks Derekpit rehmkePLUS
I especially like the facial expression, very good paint! goldJohn_Engstrand
Thank you, I agree with you the face part is my favorite.Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"
Nice dark colours:) Cheers! SławolJohn_Engstrand
Thanks Slawol :)Dan Pollart
Nice work John!Jakob VPLUS
Very cool Lilith! :)Herman aka Glitterwolf
Super!Paul "Duxxie" Duckers
Hi John. beautiful colours and detail. GOLD