me again with a Rackham miniature.
I am continuing my cadwallon collection with this nurbald mini, in a "cave" base.
this is how I did the base
and a little tuto on the NMM done here
I hope you will like it
Picture was really hard to take due to the kind of base I did.. really made to be taent in hand and watch inside ;)
Oliver "HonourGuard" SpäthPLUS
Great! I really like the base, looks very unique and creative :) The idea with the blue water in the back is nice. The model and its paintingfits perfectly to it too. Gold from me. I Have to do a Rackham work again too.. :DFrançois Lozach
thanks a lot... and you know what, this is seeing your last basing project.. that I wanted to try a kind of "closed" base.. So make me really happy you like it. Thanks again !Roman LappatPLUS
Really great base concept. Nice addition to your collection.François Lozach
thanks my friend ! one day I will paint all my Rackham.. one day ;)TimPLUS
Great figure and base. Oozing atmosphere. GoldFrançois Lozach
thanks a lotJohn Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Gold very inventive bud!!!Mads Jespersen
Really interesting use of the plinth!François Lozach
thanks !Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"