Here is a 75 mm figure I've sculpted for the Mumi in 2014 .
They asked me to represent a drawing of Manara .
As Manara is an great artist I appreciate a lot , the challenge pleased a lot to me .

Some of you have had the chance to see the Fabrizio Russo's painting version in the MSS .

It's an unique sculpture which won't be available on the market ;-)
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

  • Freeman

    Wow, amazing work Benoit!
  • Valentin Zak

    Très chouette! Jolie anatomie et on reconnait de suite le style du dessinateur.
  • Josh_Underhill

    My first impression before reading your comment etc. was that this figure looks like a Milo Manara illustration. The elegant lines, slightly saturnine features, heavy lids and parted lips - excellent work!