Thank you, glad you like. For the helmet it was done with the tube tool set on a fimo plate then put in shape. For the quiver, a plate a fimo around a brass cylinder, then texture with the tube tool set, and after many trials, I manage to get a nice one ;)
Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"
Love her :)Patrick "The Small" Masson
Thank youCedricBataille-Petitpedestre
Ohhhhhhh ouiiiii !!Patrick "The Small" Masson
:)David Diamondstone
Wow. Love the face and hair. Going to have to get this one. How did you do the textures for the helmet and quiver?Patrick "The Small" Masson
Thank you, glad you like. For the helmet it was done with the tube tool set on a fimo plate then put in shape. For the quiver, a plate a fimo around a brass cylinder, then texture with the tube tool set, and after many trials, I manage to get a nice one ;)Roman LappatPLUS
I need to paint her! Lovely! Such an amazing sculpt, Patrick!Patrick "The Small" Masson
Thank you Roman, will be cool to see your versionKen 'milmart' Farrar
Wow superb detail work. Gold all the way.Patrick "The Small" Masson
Thank youJeanMarc Brisset
juste géniale , Patrick ! :)Patrick "The Small" Masson
Merci Jean-MarcErich_Strasser
Great sculpting !!Patrick "The Small" Masson
Thank youFrançois-Xavier "Fx" HUET
Or !!!!!!!!! FX