This is a vignette i recently did with figures from Alexandros and Figone,
i sculpted the base and groundwork exept the Greek collumn,
it was a resin part that i have to oversculpted and changed.
All is painted in acrylic,
hope you like it and thanks again for looking,
This piece captures the feel of Greek mythology so well, the painting is beautiful, the basing is bang on and it is one of my favourite of your pieces. Thank you for sharing, absolutely a gold
Love the feel of this. Great work on the skin and the sparkly lightning bolt DannyRoman "Light_one" Gruba
Nice scene my friend!Roman LappatPLUS
Класс!Jorge "Ayora" Castellano
Is fu*** awesome. I love it. CongratsDan Pollart
Thanks all you like it !! :)Karsten -Elaphus- Poepping
Great !!!Theodoros Giannakopoulos
Mice fkesh colour and scenery. At last, a Zeus without white head !!! The greek gods were for ever young ! GOLD .Dan Pollart
Yes indeed Theo, thank you very much for your nice comment :)DimitriSoultanias
Lot of hard work here Danny.Well done!Dan Pollart
Thank you Dimitri, glad it is done ;)Trent "BigDeno" Denison
This piece captures the feel of Greek mythology so well, the painting is beautiful, the basing is bang on and it is one of my favourite of your pieces. Thank you for sharing, absolutely a goldDan Pollart
Thx a lot for your feedback Trent, realy appriciate it :)CriCri
Very beautiful project! :)Dan Pollart
Thank you CriCri :-)pit rehmkePLUS
Excellent scene, the variety of details, the painting of the skin, Wonderful the musculature. Fantastic! Gold!!