Sander van der Does in the spotlight
Today's interviewee is Sander van der Does. Thank you for sharing in.
Spotlight are short interviews to introduce some of the artists here at Putty&Paint.
Who are you? Tell us a bit about you.

My name is Sander van der Does and I am 24 years old. I am living in the Netherlands in the beautiful city of The Hague. Presently I am finishing my study to become a Fiscal lawyer at Leiden University.
In respect to the hobby, I started with it inspired by my father, when I was a kid of 8 years old by making models of airplanes. Later on tanks came into the picture and other military miniatures. The last 3 years I have specialized in painting miniature figures (mostly historical subjects) that I like much more then the other modelbuilding subjects. Since it gives me more options to work with colours then just olive drab and panzer grey.
What are your favorite tools, and why do you use them?
My favourite brushes are the ones of Winsor & Newton no. 7 series and Da Vinci Maestro Series 10. They are not cheap but the quality makes it worth for me. If you treat them well, they last very long. I can still use my brushes from 2 years ago.
As far as paints are concerned I mostly work with Vallejo Model Color and Andrea although I am beginning to appreciate the Citadel paints more and more.
Some time ago a was introduced to Citadel’s Liquid Green Stuff putty, great stuff to fill and smooth small gaps and irregulations.
But I think the most important tool are my friends, which give me the feedback I need to improve my miniatures. They keep the hobby like fun during events, workshops and the painting sessions we have together. Inspiring and learning from each other is the key element for me.
How would you describe your own style?
Difficult question to answer by myself. According to my friends my work style can be described as extreme but balanced. For example I like my faces to be very expressive with a lot of contrast and at the same time to be balanced by blending them a lot so the high contrast won’t bother the viewer.
Show us your workspace. Do not clean it.
At the beginning of a new miniature I always clean it, but when the painting is going on it seems to get a mess everytime. Will be a common problem I think. :)

Who influences your work and what inspires you?
Nowadays the internet and shows are the most important source of inspiration for modellers I think. Also art can be a good help to get inspired to paint miniatures.
For me personally, the lessons and courses I have had from great figure painters such as Marcel Boerrigter (NL), Fernando Ruiz (ES), Danilo Cartacci (IT) and recently Jesus Martin Gallego (ES) were a big impulse for my painting skills and my passion for figures.
I am a fan of the workstyle of those guys, which is beginning to show of in my figures I think. Seeing those guys painting and learning from them makes me enthusiastic to try to become better and better.
The last challenge I had was two weeks ago at a two day course given by Jesus Martin Gallego in Madrid, where I painted my first female figure (Luz) of Nocturna Models (owned by Jesus). I am very grateful I have the opportunity to participate in such courses. Attending such courses I can highly recommend.
What’s you current favourite music/movie/series you enjoy while working?
I don’t really have a favourite music style to be honest, I like almost everything. I put on Spotify and wait what’s coming along. :)
In respect to series I’m currently a big fan of stuff like Game of Thrones and Spartacus.
Show and tell us what you are currently working on or what you recently finished?
I am currently working on the latest bust from Heroes and Villains Miniatures, a Germanic Warrior. The nice sculpt and the crisp casting, makes it great fun to paint those bust figures on scale 1:12. Not to big, but big enough to go to town with little details. You can see my workstyle in this figure, extreme in giving expression and contrast to the figure but blended as well. Off course the blending isn’t finished yet, but it gives an impression already.
Also you can see the first progress of Luz from the course in Madrid from Jesus Martin.

My latest Historical miniature I finished can be found on PnP.
It’s also a bust form H&V Miniatures that I did for a painting demonstration on the Scale Model Challenge last October in Holland.
Visit Sander van der Does at Putty&Paint