Raúl García Latorre
Sculptor & Painter from Torremolinos, Málaga, Spain
Well…I knew the first time about this hobby throw a game named “HeroQuest”, when I was 17-18. Of course I begun painting fantasy miniatures from Citadel (later known GW). In that period (always really) I was so fascinated by fantasy that I used to say to friends I will never paint a single historical miniature…but time came to change my opinion about it, until I find myself with my own historical miniature company (Latorre Models) and so into the historical world than I almost forgot fantasy miniature…I retook it with a new company (Enigma), where I reset my mind and learned a lot of new things.
Maybe companies came with my personal stages and I don’t know if this is the best one, but actually me and a few friends envolved into a new project (Mproyec). Now I feel I am doing what really want and enjoying it too, so today I can say I am happy.
I only want to post here the works I am happy with… they appear to be the last I am doing actually. I really don’t see my work as a number of figures but a whole thing, where every new figure get me close to what I want to achieve, so latest should be probably my best actually.
I can also do bad figures at the same point…but that was another main reason for Mproyec.
there’s too many things to talk about miniatures actually… that I don’t find the time to.