This mini was painted for a mini exchange with Pascal Rooze. I must admit I had a hard time with his model. The details were not as crisp as can be, but mainly I could not seem to find the right inspiration. It sort of came back after I painted the face, I should've started that earlier!
Anyway, I hope you like her :).
I understand somehow that is hard to get into the model. She is weird in some aspects. I do like your paintwork, but the sculpt is weird. Can not find other words for it!
Somehow some things, breasts, her right arm, the guns, they all seem to large.
Despite the wierd posture, the paintwork is crisp. Gave it gold for the paintwork
Roman LappatPLUS
I understand somehow that is hard to get into the model. She is weird in some aspects. I do like your paintwork, but the sculpt is weird. Can not find other words for it!Maartje "MaGie" GiesbersPLUS
Thanks Roman :). Weird is the perfect word, I also could not determine what it was, but it wasn't the most enjoyable figure to paint in that respect.Patrick Kamsma
Somehow some things, breasts, her right arm, the guns, they all seem to large. Despite the wierd posture, the paintwork is crisp. Gave it gold for the paintwork