Steampunk Sally
Steampunk Sally
Steampunk Sally
This mini was painted for a mini exchange with Pascal Rooze. I must admit I had a hard time with his model. The details were not as crisp as can be, but mainly I could not seem to find the right inspiration. It sort of came back after I painted the face, I should've started that earlier!
Anyway, I hope you like her :).
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    I understand somehow that is hard to get into the model. She is weird in some aspects. I do like your paintwork, but the sculpt is weird. Can not find other words for it!
    • Maartje "MaGie" GiesbersPLUS

      Thanks Roman :). Weird is the perfect word, I also could not determine what it was, but it wasn't the most enjoyable figure to paint in that respect.
  • Patrick Kamsma

    Somehow some things, breasts, her right arm, the guns, they all seem to large. Despite the wierd posture, the paintwork is crisp. Gave it gold for the paintwork