Thorvin, the great
Thorvin, the great
Thorvin, the great
This is my version of "Thorvin, the great". It is the last paintjob I remember that I painted for me. A beautiful miniature to paint which brings back special memories. The painting is very personal and it took me several weeks. Sure I can do better but is full of much of my feelings and my love for this hobby.

I sincerely hope you like it!
  • Jason Zhou

    Very nice brushwork. I like the atmosphere you have brought to this vignette.
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Obviously gold
  • Albert Moreto Font

    Preciosa. Me encantan los colores, la ambientación y el árbol mágico. Un trabajazo! Enhorabuena.
  • Antonio Rodriguez

    Un trabajo super currado, me encanta macho. Un abrazo!!
    • Antonio Peña Miniatures

      Muchas gracias Antonio! tú ya la has visto en mano así que ninguna sorpresa :( pero vendrán muchas más, gracias por tu apoyo
  • Basilisk (David Mommel)

    Preciosa Antonio! Me encanta el ambiente
    • Antonio Peña Miniatures

      Muchas gracias!! es un trabajo muy personal, me alegro de que te guste
  • Jay Martin (Redrum)

  • Andy Gillaspy

    The extreme contrast works beautifully and the sculpting is evocative well done!
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Love your colour choice here and the athmosphere you have created. Wonderful!