Let's see the Orc I've done 1 years ago as a personnal projet , at the beginning at least ^^ .
Since it've been painted by the very talented "Honourguard" ( Olivier SPAETH ) and integrated in a large Dio to be présented at STRESA worl expo ( we won Broze medal in master Open fantasy category , thanks to the great paintjob of Oli' )
Cheers ,
John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Excellent sculpt congratsSash
Hi Cedric, love your sculpt and the painting of this Ork is so amazing. I like Pauls' drawing and the official sculpt from Rackham too. You did a great new interpretation of this artwork. Mercy beaucop for posting. SashCedricBataille-Petitpedestre
Thank you so much for your vote ;))) and for the nice comments .Winterland
GoodRoman "gadyukevi4" Gaydakov
Great work!CedricBataille-Petitpedestre
Thanks Roman :) I think Paul Bonner is a mentor for a lot of us ^^