Today i want to show you my Barbarian, set in the Diablo 3 realm "Arreat Crater Level 2". I loved the painting on this one and am really satisfied with the result as this is my first attempt on 75mm scale and with a non-comic-nmm (as he is complete nmm).
I hope you like him :)
Regards, Daniel aka Solmar
Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)
Perfect atmosphereThomas Wasch
Wonderful. I think this piece is really amazing. The only advice for your next miniature is maybe to bring a little bit more different colours to the skin. Some reddish coulours on ellbowes and nose and such things. But nevertheless this is really cool.Alex ✍
The base is amazing!Roman LappatPLUS
Very cool barbarian dude!kingbingo
Gold for you!Dirk "Barakwolf" Seidel
Really amazing. Great colors, textures and atmosphere.Thor Intararangson
Impressive!, great atmosphere.Jason Zhou
Beautifully painted figure and really amazing base setting having strong atmosphere. BTW, I just read your recent blog regarding 4-year painter retrospective and found it is inspiring. Keep up the great work and keep your brushes moving :)Dirk R.
Looks really great ! The tutorial on your blog looks wonderful - thanks !Daniel
Thank you all! That gives me so much motivatin to continue my path. :6Michael Volquarts
superPatrick "The Small" Masson
superb work, gold for sureMatthieu Roueche - "Blabla"
Nice atmosphere, composition and base! I agree with Thomas, the skin seems a bit flat and without nuances of colors...technicaly, the overall light isn't really right, but it's such a really cool miniature!Daniel
Thank you very much for your kind words and especially the criticism. :) i will keep it in mind!Fabio Naskino Fiorenza
bellissimoAlfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
no conocia ttus trabajos y al verlos veo que esta pieza es unn salto cualitativo del copon.. seguro q la has disfrutado porque se nota lo mimada que esta, y el resultado esta muy medido. me gusta muchisimoDaniel
Uhm, thank you for your comment. Google translate gives me a glimpse of what you mean, but i dont ubderstand any word of spanish. :) may i ask you tu translate into english? :)Theodoros Giannakopoulos
So real ! gold !