My last work is one of the best sculpt i've ever seen, and one of the most difficult miniature to paint i've ever did!
a lot lot lot of details and texture...
i loved the incredible version of my friend Diego Esteban Perez and i just what to do something totally different...
i hope you like my friend! this piece is dedicate to you!
the second dedication is to my friend Rusto, because his style inspire me for this interpretation.
Ave to all!
Samuel DiociasePLUS
wow, meravigliaMax RichieroPLUS
Beautiful my friend, really, really, beautiful!Archontis Kitsios
Really, really impressive!Patrick "The Small" Masson
wonderful !danielpaf
amazing job!!!! love all the colors!!Radovan DarkTower Rybovic
Love the cold colour scheme! This is amazing!Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS
thanks to all!!!Matthieu Roueche - "Blabla"
Woow...really nice paintjob!!Andrea "R-I-P" Nicolini
fantastica atmosfera trasuda cattiveria!Diego Esteban "dieguetestudio"
Thank you my friend ;-). I really like your version of an ice demon. See you in Stresa.Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)
A wonderful piece of pure art, thanks!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
best colour choice.,