since 2009 me and jmpn have been developing a very risky style brought from the illustration and comic covers, to the miniature world. every year, i had the chance to continue developing and investigating this kind of effects and style by painting some of the best models i have had had in my hands ever.. as the subjects were very suitable for this kind of researching, i could experiment and try how far could i go with the extreme painting with brutal light effects like if it were a 2 dimensional cover, but with the difficulty of being a 360 model.. When i painted the iron man special edition, or the duel between anakin and obi wan, both for knightmodels range.. i found and tried to succeed upon all the obstacles i found in the way. but those were 75 mm miniatures, with lots of different volumes to cheat the spectator's eye... in this case, the volume was huge.. a bust, with large plain or rounded areas without any detail...
the first guideline was to paint it simple, with metallic colours to let the volume of the miniature itself be the natural proyect of the lightning. but i thought that the result would be boring and so easy, not interesting.. so i decided to take the challenge and try to achieve a full 360º illustration effect by planning dozens of little views inside the main pics and achieve a "rotoscoping" effect that could cheat the eye to show what i needed. step by step on facebook
Archontis Kitsios
Superb NMM!!!Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS
you re the master of light my friend!Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)
Great reflections and paiting with light!Ben Snyder (Demihuman)
A classic.