This took me 5 days to paint, tried a few new techniques to push myself on, I like to think he turned out alright.
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"


    • maxwin


  • UFO70

    5 Days?! In that time I would have the head ready. Maybe. :D
    I like the chrome effects on the pipes.

    • maxwin

      Thanks, they were long days ;)

  • Dexter0015

    Outstanding piece, especially the chrome. GOLD

    • maxwin

      Cheers Man!

  • Eamon Connerty

    5 days !? Burn the Witch!!!

    Nice work!

    • maxwin

      Thanks! I’ve not turned to black magic yet but give me time ;)

  • David_cualquiera

    Gold!! wow 5 days is amazing

    • maxwin


  • TimPLUS

    Fantastic job man, Good all the way

    • maxwin

      Thanks a lot!

  • Chris / g0rb

    Man this is fantastic. I love every detail, and the more I see it online the more detail I see. Gold gold gold!

    • maxwin

      Thanks man! means a lot!

  • Jakob VPLUS

    What an awesomely detailed paintjob!

    • maxwin

      Thanks for the vote and comment!