This figure is from Grey wolf miniature. I made some small changes - position of right hand , hood and left leg. Also I changed the weapon from halberd to war flail, which was the typical Husit weapon. Sorry for small military tactical mistake, because the pavis warriors were armed mainly by spears or halbards, but simply I wanted to have figure with pavise and flail :)
Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Wow!!!!! Gold for You!!!!!!!Theodoros Giannakopoulos
Very intresting and heroic historical period. Excellent shield painting. Gold.Cormin
Thank you Sergey and Theo :)Cormin
Thank you Jocelynluigigraffi
Super work!!!!!JanSoukup
Krásně namalováno. Na tuhle figurku se vždycky rád podívám. Zlato!Cormin
Thank you luigigrafi :) Díky Honzo, když je dobrá figurka, tak to jde samo, to znáš :)MartinSporka
Viděno naživo je úplně jiný zážitek. Zlato!