Hi! Inspired by the always motivational Kiril Kanaev, i tried to push a little bit my NMM this time, i tried to do it my way and keeping my style, and i think i achieved something, at least my mind changed a bit in that matter
Hope you like it as much as i enjoyed painting it, thanks as always for your support and your comments :)
Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS
fantasticArnau LazaroPLUS
Thanks F! I am very glad you like it!Jesús Gómez
Gracias Arnau por enseñarnos la figura por detrás ningún otro artista lo ha hecho. Pepino de mini.Arnau LazaroPLUS
XD puede ser, el pelo mola mucho por detras asi que habia que pintarlo un poco xDJohn Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
GoldArnau LazaroPLUS
Thanks John! :)Milosh Meehan
Another incredible works by you. Great paint!!Arnau LazaroPLUS
Thanks a lot Milosh!Theodoros Giannakopoulos
Great paintjob on her eyes, hair and the metal reflections.Arnau LazaroPLUS
Thanks Theodoros, i put a lot of efford on that, i am very happy you say itJero Miniatures
Preciosa! M'encanta la teva versió!Arnau LazaroPLUS
Moltes gràcies Jero, m'alegra moltíssim!Marco Ruano Miniature Painter
Que quiere que le diga señor Arnau, impresionante total, super oro para mí.