when the oceans drank Atlantis,
and the rise of the sons of Aryas,
there was an age undreamed of.
And onto this, Conan,
destined to wear the jeweled crown
of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow.
It is I, his chronicler,
who alone can tell thee of his saga.
Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!"
- Basil Poledouris B.S.O -
Conan - Prologue-Anvil of Crom Lyrics
For me this project marks a lot. A lot of my recent studies about Frank Frazetta and my way of understanding atmosphere. It was a hard ride and a beast for my brain. Brutality in the power of brushstrokes, dancing color variety and neckbreaking breakdance in color contrasts, plus an airbrush that should be cleaned more often. A lot of myself inside this project. I will do such again. A pure joy to paint. I hope you like it too.
"Barbarian and the lost Princess"
http://www.blacksunminiatures.co.uk/product/barbarian-girl/Black Sun Miniatures, 75 mm
In private collection.
You can also find a little https://www.instagram.com/p/BQKsOt2gpeL/?taken-by=romanlappat.miniatureartvideo on it via my Instagram account.
The future will see an intresting step by step on this. Stay tuned and keep on happy painting!
Peter "Baphomet" TothPLUS
Beautiful interpretation of Fazetta´s paintings :) love it!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you my friend!ronald Corné
Super setting congr.Roman LappatPLUS
thx!Roman "Light_one" Gruba
This is cool! Hair looks really awesome :-)Roman LappatPLUS
Many thanks, Roman!David Powell
Excellent interpretation and painting!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you, David!Vladimir_Golubev
Excellent hairiness on the body)))Roman LappatPLUS
That felt gross while painting it, happy it turned out well :DKen "Macca Chung" Lim
So good. My favourite version of this piece.Roman LappatPLUS
Muchas Gracias!Curmudgeon
In love with everything related to Conan the Cimmerian and in love with your realistic painting style, still happy painting because you give us happiness in the pupils of our eyes.Roman LappatPLUS
Happy to hear that my happy work can make others happy too ... keep on happy painting!RyanWilds
Beautiful piece.Roman LappatPLUS
Thanks, Ryan!Johann "Chestnut Ink"
Nice job, Roman!Roman LappatPLUS
Merci beaucoup, monsieur!Sergio Torregimeno
love it! gold as usual! :)Roman LappatPLUS
I bow my head in gratitude, thanks, Sergio!pit rehmkePLUS
Impressive work, neatly worked muscles, the color contrasts give the scene tension. Gold!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Pit. Happy that you like it!Antonio Pirri
Really nice!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you very much, Antonio!Meg Maples
Three of my favorites combined into one: Conan, Frazetta and Roman Lappat! It's an absolutely stunning piece.Roman LappatPLUS
Many thanks, Meg. Well, I feel very honored named beside these big names :DRob Norris
Awesome as always and I'm sure I will get to see this year.Roman LappatPLUS
Hey Rob, really happy you like it. Not so sure if I am able to travel so much this year. Might skip Monte as other priorities in life might keep me pretty busy in the second half of 2017 ... not sure yet. Can't promise to show this one around much :/TOM Gagel
Very nice!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you, TOM!Luke 'atacam' Wilson
Pure gold. Love it. you have managed such narrative on such a confined base. :)Roman LappatPLUS
Thanks a bunch for your comment, Luke! Happy you like it!Jero Miniatures
Epic! Lappatliscious!Roman LappatPLUS
One day there will be a T-Shirt for you with this hashtag :DDanny_Cortez_Owen
Absolutely fantastic work! Makes me want to watch Arnie and listen to Mako give the speech!Roman LappatPLUS
Means my goal was reached. Cool! Thank you for your impression, Danny!Sebastian Schubert
Nice job RomanRoman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Sebastian.Thomas "1967er" Froese
And again a masterpiece! Sadly I am not able to meet you in Hamburg to hear about your thoughts about contrasts on these figures, so I have to wait for your Step by step...Roman LappatPLUS
Got tons of photos of this project, yet not the time to sit down and write something up ... Next time, Thomas!Josh "Zozimus" Pattison
I like the Frazetta feel to this. Lots of textures in colour. So many interesting colours in the skin tones too ..... definitely this will inspire my take on the mini!Jose_A_Alfonso
Awesome master work!Kristian Simonsen
You never fail to inspire me. One can really feel Frazetta in this one, the inspiration comes across excellently.Julien "Asavar" M.
Wonderful colors, congrats!pit rehmkePLUS
Hi Roman, a masterpiece! What you have made of this figure is phenomenal! I love this work! Gold !!!Paul "ub3r_n3rd"
Huge fan of everything you did here, Roman! GOLD for sure. It's absolutely amazing, love the atmosphere and how you work your colors. Very evocative and you stayed true to the feel of Conan!Laurent Aubry aka Pisco
I can't see your mini without hearing in my head the epic score of Poldouris !joseluiscabrera
gran trabajo. ORO