This is a commission work I did a little over 4 years ago for a local 40k player. He brought me a picture of Kirill Kanaev's award winning tank and asked if I could do something similar and mirror both sides. This was an extremely difficult task, particularly since he wanted me to replicate a master's work. The customer gave me the artistic libery to put whatever I wanted on the front plate, so at the time I found a heavy equipment badge (skull and horns) that I freehanded. The stained glass windows were aftermarket that he bought elsewhere, which I painted and added as well. It is still the most challenging piece of art or anything I have done to date. This was also the first time I had been introduced to Kirill's talents and became an instant fan and someone to look to for inspiration.
  • Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"

    Geez, that's a lot of plasma o_O One bad "gets hot" roll and all that nice freehand would be scorched o_O
  • Liu Yu Kang

    Nice freehand!
  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    Great work :) gold
  • John B

    Well, that just rocks
  • Dev Sodagar

    I love the freehand work here. I think I'd have shifted the colours of the Mud so they don't blend in with the colours of the freehand.
    • Mike Hoekstra

      Thank you for the feedback and constructive criticism.