I love the background of Khârn since I read my first 40k-rulebook so many years ago. The old Citadel model was a beauty of its time and still has its special character today. When I heard that GW was doing a new version I had to paint it. The goal was not to push all my energies into, but to get a good distraction from all these complicated projects that are standing on my table. I just wanted to paint a nice little badass-crazed Space Marine like back in the old days :)
I hope you like him!
It´s for sale and you find in my catalogue on http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.de/2014/01/mv-miniatures-for-sale.htmlMassiveVoodoo.
John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Absolutely fantastic job on this Kharne models.