Dragon Huntress
Dragon Huntress
Dragon Huntress
Dragon Huntress
Hello mates!

I've come back with Dragon Huntress, another amazing sculpture by Master Joaquin Palacios , I painted the miniature as Box art for Black Sun Miniatures.

if you like it, you can get your copy on : http://www.blacksunminiatures.co.uk/product/dragon-huntress/

check more pictures on my Facebook or instagram: https://www.facebook.com/sergiocalvo1988 https://www.instagram.com/sergiocalvoartbook

I hope you like it :D
  • Armando Martijn

    Brutal, Sergio!!! La armadura es una pasada. Gold!!!!
  • Maartje "MaGie" Giesbers

    Incredible!!! You made an amazing figure even more amazing with this wonderful paintjob :D I think I will spend the rest of the day staring at this beauty!
  • Jose A Gallego "JAG"

    Buff, la armadura y la cabeza del dragón están impresionantes. Muy muy bonita.
  • Freeman

    Amazing!, the best armor I've seen in a lot of time, and the head of the dragon is incredible, looks real!
    • Sergio Calvo Rubio

      thank youuu!! I had a great sculpture to improve it :P
  • QianweiSHI

    Brilliant!!! Love your style soo much Sergio!!
  • Maciek (Flameon)

    Those matalics and sculpture are amazing! I would love to paint this miniature :)
    • Sergio Calvo Rubio

      you should paint it , it's an amazing sculpture :)
  • Andy Gillaspy

    That's very good indeed excellent metalwork.
  • Lucky-LBT

    Flashing all the way !!!
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    BOOM! Perfect Paintjob and mad skills!
    • Sergio Calvo Rubio

      haha , thank you Roman, maybe I'm a little by crazy :P
  • Jens Riber Poulsen

    Almost too awesome. Amazing metals! :D