Please I suggest you to take into account that some of those pieces were done 6 or 7 years ago, when those chrome effects were not developed, not like now that everyone does things like that. for many of you that knows a bit of the history of this ARt or Art craft , you know what those miniatures they meant for the scene in that period. so thats why i show them so proud. this is one of those figures that explain many things that are being doing now.
This is a reminder for those young and great new painters that are painting so good right now.. everything has a beggining, and it is important to know who, when how... ;). peace and love!
I hope you still find enjoyment on those pics
Daniele "Found" TrovatoPLUS
Wonderful paintjob!! Compliments!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
Thanks! :)Marko Miladinović
Awesome work, gold! :)Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
Thanks! :)Jero Miniatures
Tus obras son una referencia obligada. Yours are timeless pieces of art everybody should know and study. Gold then, now and always. Keep sharing so we can enjoy (and learn!) ;)Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
Eso es q te caigo muy bien... ;). Gracias jero. Eres de esas personas y sois poquitas..que me motivan para retomar ciertas costumbres. Gracias por el respeto y el reconocimientoWouter Schaap
One of the best Alfonso. Thank you for sharing, and thank you for paving the path for us youngsters that try to follow in your footsteps. Your works are an inspiration and your workshops shed light on the inner workings of one of the best in the business.Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
Highly appreciated wouter. Coming from a student is even more encouraging. Really thabks for your kid words.Sergio Calvo Rubio
Fue y es acojonante ! un ejemplo a batir .... ;)Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
Gracias capi. Me halaga mucho viniendo de ti. Tu ,marc y algun otro sois el futuro ya presente. Yo me siento un viejales pasao de fecha. Asi que agradezco estas muestras publicas. Un abrazo.Jason Zhou
Such an inspirational work. The NMM and lighting effect are so cool!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
Looks old from the perspective of the time that has passed.. but.. is great to see and feel that it still can keep the attention of the new stars of this figure world. Thanks!Daniel Lopez- Bustos (FeRRaMiS)
Esta pieza sigue siendo un referente, en su dia fue una revolucion. Gracias maestro.Jonatan Gil - Elinhir
Muy buen trabajo, un trabajo que tengo de referente. Excelente Alfonso.